Sailing the Safest Holiday in a Post Covid-19 World

We reveal our 5 Reasons Why Sailing is the Safest Holiday in a Post Covid-19 World

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Safe Ways to Holiday in a Post Covid-19 World

Sailing – The Safest Holiday after the Pandemic Crisis

Has the Pandemic Changed How Way We Holiday

What’s the safest holiday in a post Coronavirus reality

The Covid-19 Pandemic has certainly changed the world. Many of us have been thinking whether we’re going to ever return back to normal. It’s not certain yet if we’re back to normal, or if it’s a new era of “normality”, however everyone is already enjoying the liberation that the lift of measures almost worldwide has brought.

In that new era, it looks like sailing is still the safest holiday in a post covid-19 world.

We look briefly at the history of our getaways and explore just how necessary psychologists think they are.

What is Essential

Travel has a positive effect on health, relationships, business performance and the well-being of communities.”

As we’re heading out of the pandemic crisis, we now know what we consider as “essential” and “needed”. For many holidays have been put on hold indefinitely. For some that means no planning, no anticipation and less to look forward to.

It’s undeniable that the majority of people are looking forward to getting away. According to the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, international tourism saw a 182% year-on-year increase in January-March 2022, with destinations worldwide welcoming an estimated 117 million international arrivals compared to 41 million in Q1 2021.

What we’ve long known anecdotally, we will now prove through authoritative research: travel has a positive effect on health, relationships, business performance and the well-being of communities. ~ Roger Dow, president and CEO of the US Travel Association.

Studies by Nuffield Health, the UK’s largest healthcare charity, and tour operator Kuoni, conducted a study and discovered there are significant effects of not going on holiday. They discovered those who didn’t go away for a break had higher blood pressure, didn’t sleep as well and had higher levels of stress. Travel can make you mentally sharper and more creative A study found that three days after vacation, travellers felt well-rested, less anxious, and in a better mood.

Sailing the Safest Holiday in a Post Covid-19 World

We Reveal Our 5 Reasons Why Sailing is the Safest Holiday in a Post Covid-19 World

A Quick History of Travel

Travelling has been essential since the Roman Times

Holidays create some of our best memories, alongside births, weddings and celebrations of life.

To know how this all began, we need to go back a long way, in this case, to at least the Ancient Romans who, when they weren’t busy conquering most of the known world, were known for their hedonistic ways. Once they got bored of gladiator fights and filling their faces until they were sick, they created the concept of what now think of as a holiday?

More recently, the industrial revolution of the 18th Century gave rise to the modern concept of holidays and vacations. Labor Day in the US dates back to the late 19th century celebrating the contributions and achievements of American workers following strikes and protests. Through this, the idea of a “Workingmen’s Holiday” seeded or caught on in other industrialised countries across the world.

Are Holidays Essential?

How a Holiday can affect your every day life

Research regularly shows that time off work, doing something you enjoy, has physical and psychological health benefits. People who take vacations have lower stress, less risk of heart disease, a better outlook on life, and more motivation to achieve goals. Finding the safest holiday will help us achieve all the above.

Scientists from the Icahn School of Medicine, University of California and Harvard found that just six days away triggers genetic changes which dampens stress, boosts the immune system and lowers levels of proteins linked to dementia and depression. If you’re feeling low or going through a particularly bad period in your life, travel can provide a temporary respite and help nurse you back to mental health.

A Closer Look at Essentiality

Holidays help us de-stress

The concept of essential is now a topic of debate and the various lobbies compete for their government’s support, intervention, or preferential treatment. Garden Centres telling us that our gardens are essential for our mental health, that shops selling gym equipment are essential, that parks and public are essential.

There has been little mention of holidays and vacations  in the “essential” category, there is a good case there should be.

It’s reasonable to suggest that travel helps us de-stress, because we do things that give us pleasure and distract our mind. Travel delivers that much needed escape from intensive modern lifestyles. It follows that looking forward to a holiday can offer the same, or even greater benefits.

Such is the state of life, that none are happy but by the anticipation of change: the change itself is nothing; when we have made it, the next wish is to change again. ~ Samuel Johnson

The Joy of Anticipation

Planning a holiday gives us pleasure and distracts our mind

Research has shown anticipating something is a powerful, positive emotion that can help us live happier lives.  Two US researchers Van Boven and Ashworth (2007) wanted to test a hypothesis that anticipation arouses more intense emotion than retrospection.

They wanted to test if people enjoy looking forward to things much more than looking back on them afterwards?

They found that although nostalgia can be part of a happy life they showed there is much to be said for anticipating events, to the extent that it can help improve people’s well-being.

‘Our research suggests that the enjoyment people glean from anticipation might also be an important component of life satisfaction.’

Whether it’s choosing a new novel to read or planning the safest holiday to an exotic destination, we feel really good when we say, ‘Think about the enjoyment we’re going to have’ compared to, ‘Think about how much fun we had last time’.

It’s reasonable to suggest that travel helps us de-stress, because we do things that give us pleasure and distract our mind. Travel delivers that much needed escape from intensive modern lifestyles. It follows that looking forward to a holiday can offer a great deal to our well-being.

Sailing – The Safest Holiday in a Post Covid-19 World

Stay Safe and Travel with Close Family & Friends

Reducing the number of people you interact with has been at the heart of social distancing measures. It did make sense to confine yourself to a more limited group, and there’s a vast majority of people that are still looking for less-crowded areas to visit, or alternative ways of spending their holidays.
For our clients, life aboard a yacht, where every cabin has a seaview and you get to swim in the world’s biggest pool in semi-isolation.

‘Even after the worst storms, the sun will shine again’ – Kathryn Shirey

Lockdowns, measures, travel bans, cancellations – we’ve all experienced difficult times, full of uncertainty.

‘We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.’ – Martin Luther King Jr

The Team here is staying positive and has been working on ways to keep you motivated and assist you with finding the safest holiday to meet your requirements. With summer just around the corner, everyone’s thinking – or at least dreaming – of a relaxing holiday, away from all worries. But Is it Safe to Travel in a Post Covid-19 World?

Of course, if you go Sailing. We’ve prepared a list of Reasons Why sailing is the Safest Holiday in a Post Covid-19 World.

1. Social Distancing

Stay Away from the Crowds

Sailing itself allows you to keep your distances from the crowd. Being on your private boat, with your family and loved ones is all you need to have an amazing holiday, whilst staying as safe as you need to.

You don’t have to be to overcrowded places, unless you want to. Even when you need to anchor for the night, you can practice your med-mooring skills and use your dinghy to go ashore.

You can pick your private bays, swim and snorkel where no one else does, have a lovely dinner on board, play games, and enjoy a different place/island every day, without having to be packed on a ferry/airplane in order to get from one place to another.

Sailing has always been like this, and in a Post Covid-19 world, for many, it’s certainly the Safest Holiday you could go for.

2. Safest Holiday & Family-Friendly

Don't feel Lonely. Spend your Holiday with your Family

We understand parents want to ensure that they will pick the safest holiday for their family. Sailing is ideal for families who want to sail with their loved ones only, keeping their distances from the others. Young kids can find numerous things to do on board and enjoy their holiday safely, including swimming, snorkeling, playing boards, learning to sail, and of course, learning all about hygiene, and self-responsibility.

It’s also a great opportunity to form stronger bonds within the family. Team working, solving issues  and self-responsibility will bring you closer to your family and loved ones.

3. Feel Safe & Free

Time to Feel Free Again After the LockDown

After several lockdowns, severe measures, and lots of uncertainty, or even despair, the only thing you need now is to go on a holiday, relax, feel free again, and forget about all the madness the Covid-19 crisis has caused.

You can certainly do that if you choose to go sailing – the safest holiday in a post Covid-19 reality. Sea itself makes us feel free, and being on your private boat will be your guarantee that you’re also safe.

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4. You Can Prepare Your Own Meals

Know What You Eat

The best way to know what you eat, and ensure that you keep all the necessary precautions is to prepare your own meals. All our yachts have a fully equipped galley, and after you do your provisioning, you can prepare everything you want to.

Pancakes for breakfast, light pasta for lunch and shrimps for dinner; how does this sound!

Sailing is not only the safest holiday in a post Covid-19 world, but it’s also the most satisfying one.

5. Have your Provisioning Delivered to You

Stay Away from the Overcrowded Supermarket

Without provisions, you can’t prepare your own meals, right? Another reason why sailing is the safest holiday is because, even when you have to re-stock, you won’t have to get off your boat and go to overcrowded supermarkets.

How you can do that? Easy – there are many companies that deliver groceries directly to yachts. In the past, these companies were very few, and available only at bigger marinas/ports. Covid-19, has made more and more businesses, even the small ones, to go online and offer delivery services, either free of charge, or at a small extra cost. This way, you can have your provisioning delivered directly to your boat, without having to wait at the long supermarket queues.

Bonus Reason Why You Should Go Sailing Post Covid-19:

Going on a Sailing Holiday Won’t Break Your Bank

Many businesses have been affected by the Covid-19, so it’s essential to keep the budget low and save money. Going on a holiday doesn’t mean that you should spend more money than you can afford, and sailing is the best type of holiday to achieve that.

Prices for hotels, airfare, even sailing yachts have gone up the last couple of years, but a sailing holiday still remains one of the most cost-effective type of holiday. With charters from less than 200 EUR p.p., per week, we’re certain that not only you’ll create some amazing summer memories, but you’ll also manage to save money.

The safest holiday, and the most affordable one? Yes – let’s get started!

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