Competent Crew in Thailand

Doing your Competent Crew in Thailand is a great idea. It’s warm, there’s wind and crucially, there is tide.

Phuket lies off the west coast of southern Thailand in the Andaman Sea


Baht (THB)
Time to Visit
Year Round
Nav Difficulty
Ave. Temperature
Family Friendly
Nov-May NE May-Oct SW
Time Zone
UT + 7
Thai, English widely Spoken
Why Thailand?

So your looking to learn to sail and the appeal of doing somewhere warm is enticing. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of heading to the clear blue waters of the Andaman Sea to learn to sail? Let’s take a brief look.

If you have any others you this should be included, please add them in the comments below and we promise to include them with a credit.


We can’t think of too many. It is likely you have already considered the flight costs and the cost of training is roughy similar the world over, if at a small premium. There are times when you can’t, or at least is is inadvisable, to sail in Thailand, during the typhoon seasons. There is also not quite the frequency of courses you might find in countries like Australia or the United Kingdom, with many training schools to choose from.

A picture of a long tail on a beach in Thailand
Wonderful ThailandVisit and Sail this Wonderful Country & Gain Your Sailing Qualificatoins

There are so many. The standard of training in as high here as anywhere, with RYA courses and IYT Qualifications widely available.

It take about three says of sailing around the Andaman Sea under a tropical sun, lapped by warm waters, cooled by sea breezes to lose your clothes;

don your sarong and begin to look and feel like a local sea gypsy.

Learning to sail in the Caribbean
Learning to SailYou can train with the RYA the world over
Killer Feature

One of the best reasons to head for Thailand & Malaysia, is that the qualifications are considered tidal.

RYA Competent Crew

Under the RYA scheme, there is no way to “upgrade” to tidal, if you have taken the non-tidal route. You would need to climb the ladder again. Thus training here, over say the Mediterranean or the Caribbean has a decent advantage.

  • RYA Recognised Qualifications
  • Is considered Tidal by the RYA
  • Great winds (esp. November to May)
  • Almost all year round cruising
  • English Widely Spoken

We don’t have any companies feeding us there live course availability, but we do have a database of all the providers. If you are looking to do RYA Competent Crew in Thailand, or any other sailing qualifications including the IYT competencies, then let us help you out.

How it Works

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Just let us know what qualification you are looking for, when you can travel and where you would like to do your course.

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Email Broadcast

On your behalf, we email all the providers in the area you want to sail.


We ask for replies within 24 hours and get information to you within 48.

If we canโ€™t help, we will always let you know what we recommend โ€“ but sure to mention SailChecker when contacting them!

We email every provider on your behalf.

Proposals in 48 Hours

We provide you with all the proposals for you to chose from and a guide of what we think are you best options.


We then help you make the booking and support you before, during and after your trip โ€“ a complete service, all for Free!
Learning the RopesGet to grips with everything sailing with a course and a holiday.
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